Set in the picturesque south Lincolnshire landscape lives one of the UKs greatest trees, The Bowthorpe Oak. Rooted in a grass paddock behind the 17th centry farmhouse the majestic oak leaves experts pondering and enthusiast in awe of its size and natural beauty. The Bowthorpe Oak boasts the largest girth in the UK of a pedunclate oak (Latin Quercus robur) measuring a staggering 13.3m @1.5m.

The tree is naturally hollow allowing it to be used for animal’s sheltering or as a venue for meetings and parties. The Great Oak has no known age, but experts suggest it could be well over 1000 years old!! Bowthorpe Park Farm welcomes visitors to come and view the tree taking in the wonderful landscape and fresh air, picnic area is available for you to be able to make the most of you visit and relax and enjoy the great outdoors.

In 1768 George Pauncefort Esq. who rented Bowthorpe Park is recorded as having it floored with benches placed around to use as a dining area. (View gallery to view the remains if the nails used to hold the benches in place)

Over 100 years ago the first chain was fitted to support the tree, a second was then added in 1978 along with this some pruning work was carried out to remove dead branches. A third was then added around 12 years ago.

In 2002 the tree council in celebration of The Golden Jubilee of Her Majesty QUEEN ELIZABETH II has designated The Bowthorpe Oak one of fifty Great British Trees in recognition of its place in the national heritage June 2002.

We have been advised to fence off the tree which does limit access, but it must be done to preserve the tree and ensure there is no compaction that can damage roots.

Private Bookings

A private viewing gives you the opportunity to have the tree all to yourself and go beyond the protective fence. You will be accompanied by a guide to show you around and answer any questions you may have.

The booking lasts for one hour, please call if your running late.

Please note this booking does not allow for any commercial use during this time (filming etc) please e-mail for information regarding commercial use.

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